
Is It Time to Replace Your Inefficient Furnace or Air Conditioner Unit?

Written by United | December 1 2021

Nobody likes to cough up the dough for new household appliances. An unexpected expense like replacing a furnace or AC unit can put stress on your mind and your wallet.

People often fail to realize that the painful one-time cost of buying a new unit can be a serious blessing in disguise. If your furnace, air conditioner or indoor air quality unit is more than 10 years old, a sudden breakdown could actually save you money.

Why? Inefficiency.

An old and inefficient system could chug away for years, costing you hard earned money by jacking up your utility bills month after month. All the while you and your family are sweating through summers and shivering through winters.

United customers who bite the bullet and install a new system notice an immediate difference in home comfort, consistency and (most importantly) utility bills. Sometimes rates drop by as much as 20% or more. Over a period of 20 years, savings average more than $10,000 in operating costs.

Get a custom estimate to replace your furnace or AC unit from the experts at United.

United Heating, Cooling & Plumbing’s experts install all of the leading manufacturers. We match the perfect unit to the size of your home and your lifestyle. We assess your current system then explain all of your options from standard to high efficiency premium models. We’ll take your budget and how long you plan to stay in your home into consideration so you can choose the unit that will give you the level of savings and performance you expect. United offers financing, as well as seasonal rebates and promotional offers throughout the year.